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The family of lillies strengthen and support the feminine, or yin, forces within nature.


Tiger Lily's bright orange color invokes co-creativity and brings to surface more feminine qualities, especially for those who tend to have stronger masculine energies shadowing their feminine side. Tiger Lily can balance overly aggressive "yang" forces such as being overly competitive. Tiger Lily will balance these dynamic yin/yang forces and encourage collaboration.


She can also be helpful in bringing balance to hormonal shifts during menopause.

Tiger Lily flower essence

  • All essences have been made in ceremony.  I like to greet the spirit of the muse - and offer a prayer & a piece of me - whether that is a song, some of my hair, or tears…

    Crystal bowls are laid in full sun, and filled with the highest quality water available to me in any given moment - most often I use spring water that I’ve either harvested myself, or bought from glass bottles. Spring water, especially if it has been freshly harvested, is living water, and it is able to hold the consciousness of whatever is being infused into it at a much more constructive and resonant frequency.

    If the plant/flower/mineral/etc is rare or endangered, I use a ‘no-touch’ method, but for most of these essences, I’ve felt comfortable being able to pick the various plants to infuse on the surface of the water for the sunniest part of the day (I also like to make essences on full sun days, with as little cloud coverage as possible...unless it’s a flower that only blooms at night ;) 

    I use the leaves of the same plant I’m working with to assist in picking the flowers with the least amount of interference.

    The flower essence waters are preserved with a grape alcohol (non-alcohol options are available, please contact for info).

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